
Published on:

31st Jan 2024

#42 🇺🇸 The Accidental Growth PM - Priya Bhatia (7shifts, Altis, Loop)

Where to find Priya

Where to find Axel

Hey everyone, Axel here from Product Squad!

My conversation with growth maven Priya dates back to June 2023. She took us through her unexpected leap from number-crunching in finance to skyrocketing user activation over at 7Shifts.

It's all about digging into customer value and shaking things up with A/B tests, flexible planning, and some serious speed.

Plus, she's all about that smoothie life for staying on top of her game.

For any PM thinking about leveling up to growth or anyone hungry for inside tips to ramp up their product's impact, you've gotta hear Priya's story.

Catch our convo in the 'The Accidental Growth PM' episode – it's pure gold!

Show notes and highlights

03:28 Followed conventional path, became an investment banker.

08:40 Travelling broadened world-view and opened up opportunities.

12:57 PMs can drive growth through discovery, activation.

13:43 Identifying customer journey gaps to drive growth.

16:57 Transition into growth role: Show and share wins.

22:42 Learning project management for rapid business growth.

24:46 Team solves uncertainty issue with Kanban board.

27:14 Essential role for growth PMs: out-of-the-box, unstructured optimization.

30:03 Alignment challenges between sales and marketing teams.

33:57 I enjoy the overwhelming but rewarding holistic view.

37:39 Debate on the value of code involvement.

40:10 Repetition and success lead to influence uncertainty.

45:30 Understanding oneself is crucial in life.

47:41 Embracing different experiences and messages over time.

Show artwork for Product Squad

About the Podcast

Product Squad
Le podcast et la communauté des Product Managers
Product Squad c’est le podcast et la communauté des Product Managers qui t’aident, à mieux comprendre le Product Management, à t'équiper des outils pour développer ton produit/la culture produit dans ta boîte et à accélérer ta carrière...que tu sois PM ou pas.

Je suis Axel Sooriah et une semaine sur deux, j'interviewe des professionnels de l'univers produit pour démystifier le Product Management, vulgariser ce qu'il apporte aux entreprises et faciliter le développement professionnel autour de ce métier.

Par la suite, je te ferai un condensé des apprentissages clés de chaque épisode, des conseils et des outils des pros du Product Management. Le tout dans une newsletter bimensuelle...directement dans ta boîte mail!

N'oublie pas de t'inscrire gratuitement sur https://www.productsquad.net/

About your host

Profile picture for Axel Sooriah

Axel Sooriah


je suis Axel, un passionné de Product Management.
Avec Product Squad, mon podcast pour les Product Managers, une semaine sur deux, j’interviewe des pros de l’univers produit pour démystifier le Product Management, vulgariser ce qu’il apporte aux entreprises et faciliter le développement professionnel autour de ce métier.